A couple of months ago a friend asked me if I’d be interested in joining her for a weekend trip out to Eagle River. Something to do with her employer and a yurt, so I said sure, why not? Fast forward to this past weekend. When she stopped by to pick me up. I still had no idea what I was getting myself into, but we ended up having an AMAZING time.

Upon arrival, we were greeted by the staff at the Eagle River Nature Center amidst the craziness of a fat-tire bike race. Despite all that they were managing, the ladies were super friendly and accommodating. Yurt reservations come with parking passes, so they got us all set up and sent us on our way

We quickly found my friend’s coworkers near where we had parked and started the trek out to our Yurt. This excursion was set up as part of a business fundraiser through her job, and two of our group of eight had already loaded up a sled with the most amazing assortment of goodies by the time we arrived. We trekked out as a group to the Rapids Camp Yurt, which is just under two miles from the parking area. Staff out patrolling stopped us to say that one of our group members had forgotten to turn off the headlights on his car, so my friend and I doubled back to help him out and turn them off. They helped us yet again when we were on our way back to catch up with the group, realizing my friend had dropped one of her gloves. One of their staff came by on a snow machine and luckily had picked it up on the trail.

Once we arrived at the yurt, I couldn’t believe how cozy it was. There was some basic furniture and a wood stove inside, which we quickly got running thanks to a pre-cut supply. There was a wood-shed outside of the yurt along with an outhouse and fire ring.

Shortly after seeing to the wood stove, we got down to some very important matters…of the wine and charcuterie kind, naturally! I must admit, some of my favorite days consist of those difficult decisions of red vs. white and which cheese/cracker pairing reigns supreme. It was the best way to start breaking into the food.

Wine, cheese, crackers, cured deli meats, pasta, shrimp, Italian bread, cookies, coffee, you name it and our lovely leader Brad had planned for it. And one of the women in the group had even thought to bring s’more supplies! The marshmallows were fairly frozen, but served their purpose all the same.

We camped out on the yurt’s wooden platform and took in the views while we munched and enjoyed getting to know one another, then spent a little time by the outdoor fire before moving inside. Once we ran out of daylight, the interior of the yurt offered a warm haven to sip on just one more glass of wine while baring our sinful souls in a game of Cards Against Humanity.

We ate, we drank, we belly laughed, and all-in-all it was a spectacular way to spend the day. The Nature Center is a quick 30 minutes from Anchorage, so whether you’re just visiting or an urban-dweller looking for some rural respite, I would definitely suggest a visit. Unfortunately we had to hike and drive back that same night because my friend was working the next morning, but a few in our group spent the night and I’d love to go back for an overnight stay!
More information about rentals specifically can be found at the Eagle River Nature Center website. There are also many links to trails, programs, and other information about happenings at the Nature Center.

And now I have to go pack…I leave for Nashville in a few hours!