Welcome! I’m Megan, and I love to travel. I’m quite addicted, honestly.
While spending time with family over the holidays, my mother asked (somewhat accusingly), “Do you literally have to travel EVERY time you have a day off?”

Resoundingly, yes.
While I have a full-time job in my home-base of Anchorage, Alaska, I adventure as much as my job (and my bank account!) will allow. There is nothing quite like getting lost in a new place and exploring its culture, all while eating amazing food, meeting locals and fellow travelers alike, and taking in the sights. It’s an amazing world we live in, and I hope to explore every part of it.
As a result, I’m constantly reflecting on where I’ve been and where I want to go next or daydreaming of exploring someplace new, near or far. As I pondered setting intentions for 2019, travel felt like it should be at the top of the list.
And now you’re here, reading the beginnings of an experiment that I hope somebody, somewhere, will find helpful.
Whether you’re the kind of person who plans every minute or you’re more of a “hit the highlights” kind of traveler, every trip comes with some level of research. I want to spend 2019 focusing on positively promoting things I value and giving back wherever I can, and sharing my own travel stories seems like a good place to start.
Cheers to new beginnings and getting lost in the right direction!