Five Ways to Make the Most of Canceled Plans

This past week was my spring break, and it was nothing like I expected. This time last year, I was laying by the pool in Cancun. And I know what you’re thinking…that virus of which we shall not speak! Nope. Not another virus post.

Last year’s spring break sunset views in Cancun

I was supposed to go visit a friend for spring break and we had a falling out. Without much planned beyond plane tickets and not seeing eye to eye with my friend, it felt like the smart thing to just stay home instead of trying to force a trip when my heart wasn’t really in it anymore.

I just made that sound so simple.

Truthfully, it broke my heart.

And if I’m being honest, that heartache lasted the span of my would-have-been trip and then some. I’m glazing over a week of anxiety caused by a) being at odds with a friend b) while totally stressed out with midterm nonsense at work and c) trying to scramble around and figure out what cancelling my trip last minute meant.

What a mess, eh? Don’t even get me started on the fact that my washing machine also went caput and my dog had been sick…nothing like an expensive emergency trip to the vet getting thrown into the mix (she’s worth every penny and then some, but still). The list goes on and on. As the saying goes, when it rains, it pours!

Thankfully because I had no commitments beyond plane tickets, cancelling my trip was stressful but pretty simple. Usually airlines will “bank” the value of your ticket for later use, it just costs you the additional charge of a change fee. It depends on each individual airline, but is usually ranges somewhere between $100-$200. Better than losing the value of the ticket, but definitely salt in the wound at this point.

This year’s spring break sunset views, compliments of Fairbanks, Alaska!

So I know that I said this wasn’t a COVID-19 post…but I’d be lying if I said that the health advisories currently in place didn’t affect me as well. Two days after making the call to cancel the first trip, I had to cancel another one! I was supposed to go to Minneapolis at the end of the month for a conference, and my district prohibited all work-related travel. To say I was upset is an understatement. Not one, but two canceled trips?! Unheard of!

After a week of unwinding, working through the frustration, and trying to regain my bearings, I realized that while the week wasn’t what I wanted, it may have been what I needed. I slept in, got to spend more time with people who are important to me, and took the time to relax and re-center. Here’s a couple of thoughts if you are currently faced with canceled plans, or have to deal with them in the future.


Right around the time I canceled my trip my boyfriend was in town for a back-country skiing and ice climbing birthday celebration. When he asked if I’d be interested in making the drive back up to Fairbanks with him and a friend, I was a little hesitant. I was feeling like garbage and truthfully just wanted to hide away from the world at home. Ultimately I decided yes, I’d go, and it was the best decision. My little dog and I jumped in the truck and spent a few quality days of R &R snuggling it out at his house just outside of Fairbanks.

Road-trip snuggs!

The road trip was fun, hiding out at his house was rejuvenating, puppy snuggles are always a plus, and we checked out some new places and old favorites alike! One night we drove out to Chena Hot Springs, another we went to the library and checked out a BBQ place downtown we’d never been to. He’ll only be living there a few more months, so we have been trying to get out and explore when we can and this was a great opportunity to do so.

Once I got back to Anchorage, my roommate and I went out to brunch to check out a new restaurant we’d never been to before. A friend and I were faced with a canceled concert and decided if we were stuck here with no plans, we’d relive a bit of our Hawaii trip with some poke and Hanalei IPA, compliments of Kona Brewing Company. We went for a long walk on the coastal trail, watched some HGTV, and it was an awesome evening of quality time with one of my favorite people!

Catch up (on sleep, chores, whatever you need!)

I’m keeping this one kind of ambiguous because, well, to each his own!

My first trip to Chena was six years ago, during the spring of my first year of teaching!

My days in Fairbanks gave me the opportunity to catch up on sleep and time with my boyfriend and Penelopuppy, both of whom I’m frequently away from.

My extended spring break was put to use tidying up the house. I even cleaned out my fridge and it was so satisfying. Very weird- I’m just going with it!

Whether travelign or not, I’m barely home, so my house is frequently a disaster area. It acts as a landing pad between adventures but I’m not much of a homemaker, at least not if I can help it! Who knows, maybe I’ll finally get around to painting my house’s entryway, a job I’ve been considering for the last…hm….six months?

On a more fun note, while my boyfriend was at work, I started designing a series of prints. My art teacher colleague can sit and create no problem. Her own kids, our students, you name the distraction and that woman can create amidst it all! I can’t. I’m someone who takes forever to settle into a creative space. It’s not as quick for me, and I appreciated the time to start something that isn’t for work. Fingers crossed I stick with it and they come out well!

hobbies, anyone?
Penelope was not so supportive of my blogging efforts, preferring walks and treats.

For me, this looked like sitting down and finally starting that print series that has been rolling around in my head the last few weeks. I’m hoping to get some painting done too (the fun kind, not the home improvement kind). I also finished my book for book club (and another one to boot- whoa! never have time for extra books!)

I maybe even…did a little blogging! Whatever it is you’ve been neglecting or feeling like your soul needs more of- do that!

Limit your screen time

I will tell you that out of all the things that I did with my week, too much time spent on my phone, laptop, etc. was one of the most miserable experiences. The days when I had the most screen time were the days I felt the worst, for multiple reasons, the simplest one being that it was a reminder of my canceled plans and the various upheavals going on in my life. Plus, I just felt guilty and like there were so many other things I’d be better off doing. I try to be conscious of how much time I spend on social media and such anyway when I’m busy, so why waste more of my “bonus” time on such silly things?

Make new plans

Now depending on your frame of mind or the situation, this may not be an option or it may be better for you to give yourself some time. If you’re stressed and trying to forcefully make new plans out of frustration…well that’s no fun. And I know it may be your gut reaction, because it was mine, but it may be a better idea to give your travel plans a little space.

Personally, I know that I feel better when I have things to look forward to. After realizing that clutching at straws and scrambling around trying to save a sinking ship wasn’t working, a looming week of nothingness was very daunting. Planning outings with my boyfriend in Fairbanks helped, we booked a cabin for a local adventure for next weekend, and honestly I’m beginning to look at where my next big trip my take me.

Enjoying views of downtown from the coastal trail during a walk with a friend

I’m supposed to be going to Greece in May, and I have fingers crossed that by then life and the world in general will have settled down. In trying to save my spring break trip, I came across a lot of things that would actually make great trips in the future.

My washer still needs to be replaced and we never did figure out what made my poor pup sick. That being said, no matter what life throws at me next, taking the time to slow down this week and take a step back has me feeling so much better.